Open to possibility
Photo from December 2020.
My Monday Blogging group is answering a few questions in the run up to World Down Syndrome Day on 21st March 2021.
Q. What your child has taught you.
“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy” (Hamlet, I.5)
I studied this Shakespeare play at A-Level.
Before Coraline was born I ran a pretty tight ship based on perfectionism and control. I felt that I knew how things should be. That got me to one destination, but it was quite tiring.
Since Coraline was born, the ship has changed course. The wind in its sails is a bit different. The horizons I am seeing have expanded in their majesty as I trust in life and enter its flow. I let go. What I am now is “open to possibility”.